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When I was about ten yrs old my family and I moved in to our new House. My dad had built it ground up. One night as we were watching television I saw something across the room to my right with just by the corner of my eye. I turned to see what was at the top of the staircase and that is when I saw the leg of someone there. It seemed as though it might have been human like because it was wearing something like a black cloth. My parents were in the room and I told them about it but they did not see anything. I never got the feeling of fear and until today I still can't tell what it was.  By Manos


When i was younger i liked the movie X-Files.It was a mysterious movie where the protagonist chases ghosts.So one night at twelve o'clock midnight i had gone to the cemetery with my brother,a friend and my cousin.We were looking inside the cemetery and we saw a white cloud like fog...I was scared because it's spooky to see graves with the nightlight and fog all around so my friend and i moved back.Suddenly,i heard noise and steps on the grass inside the cemetery.I looked there and i saw a cat with a human's face! The face was green,with brown eyes,lips and nose and around the head was something like a halo! The cat looked at me persistently and i was trying to say something but i couldn't! I pronounced:  a aa cat! and then my friend turned towards me and saw that which i had seen before.We were so terrified that we asked to  leave immediately! My brother insisted on staying to explore the mysterious but we didn't .So, we left...The amazing thing is that we had both seen the same thing...Since then we never have gone there again at night. by Tina



 A spooky story  that happened to me when I was twelve years old . In  the summer I travelled to Italy by ship. I was travelling with my parents and my brother. At night I went to the cabin to sleep ,before I went to sleep I opened the curtain and I looked  at the sky...Suddenly, I saw two UFO'S that were flying above the ship! They had windows around and lights and underneath there was a white light...that was flying round and quickly so I couldn't see more. I remember that I had told my brother to get out of bed and come see them but he did not.I am sure if I had gone on deck I would see it flying over the ship and the Adriatic Sea.Probably other people had seen  it that night too. I have heard that anyone who has ever has seen a UFO ,immediately forgets what he saw and remembers it long after, this happened to me... Were they warplanes? we do not know? Were they in fact UFO'S? Let's say the slogan the movie says," The truth is out there....!!!" by tina




When I was young,every night before I went to  sleep at the door of my bedroom appeared a shadow of a tall man,with a hat and a long coat. He would stand at door frame and I would be very scared! I opened my eyes and he was  there every time !He didn't move but he was terrifying...It wasn't  my imagination because my older sister saw the same thing. Recently,I remembered the accont and discussed it with my friends but they told me that I was a little girl and maybe imagined this.Then my sister intervened in the discussion telling them,"she says the truth, he was at the door every night...The shadow of a man with hat and long coat"...Certainly  it seems like fantasy...I know that kid's fantasies can be wild but there are times that children see many things that adults can't see...So, it's better to give some attention to what children say. I am sure that most of them really saw something and were telling the truth... it just might have happened!    

    by Elizabeth

The ghost woman


Years ago, every evening,  I would go to my village to play with other children.At that time a woman had recently died...A boy who was a teaser,quarreled with my brother and then left because my brother was very angry at him.The time had passed and suddenly we saw the boy coming to us terrified  he actually approached my brother and asked him to forgive him. He was really scared and in shock! He told us that when he  passed the road by the woman's house suddenly, he saw a woman with black clothes coming at him! The woman had her head bent and was holding a candle...At first the boy thought it was my brother teasing him.When he realised that it wasn't him,he ran away...Many people have seen the ghost of that woman in the village..she often appears at night I on that Alicia

                         Dark Shadow


Once I was asleep and I woke up because I was thirsty. When I opened my eyes there was this black shadow over my legs which suddenly moved towards my chest and kept me from moving. I couldn't speak either. I tried to shout but no voice came out. It was a scary natsi

            CEMETERY GIRL

0ne day a young man passed outside a cemetery in Greece where he saw a pretty girl and decided to flirt with her. She in turn seemed to like it and they made a date for the next day. They went on their date and  when the young man was taking her back she asked him to drop her off where he had picked her up, a little further away from the cemetery.They continued to see eachother for a while until the man asked to meet her family so that they could take it to the next level. The girl turned white, she was cold and he covered her with his jacket and dropped her off. The next day the girl didn't show up.. The man didn't even know where she lived so he started to ask  around until a person nearby told him from the description he had given of the girl that there was a girl like that who used to  lived in a house down the road. The man went to the house and knocked on the door. An older woman opened the door and the man explained everything that had happened. The woman started to cry and told him that the girl he was describing was her daughter and that she had died a year ago. The young man didn't believe her even as she told him to go to the cemetery and see for himself. So, he did. When he got to the grave he found his jacket on the tombstone.





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